Welcome to Challonge


We'd like to welcome you to our new API Platform. Challonge provides tournament organizers with an easy, user-friendly way to manage tournaments. This documentation contains all the resources you'll need to integrate our API into your website or mobile application.

Please note that Challonge API v2 is still under development and subject to change prior to its formal v2.0 release. We don’t anticipate renaming or removing much of what is already available, but please contact us if you plan to release something in production (https://challonge.com/contact).

There are two sections to our documentation: Guides and API Reference.

A little about the Challonge API v2

Using the API allows you to take full control of the integration and its experience to your users. Challonge API v2 is RESTful and follows the JSON:API specifications for request bodies and responses. All response codes, authentication, and verbs use standard HTTP. Our API endpoint is available at https://api.challonge.com/v2.

Update on Challonge API v1

We are in the process of deprecating Challonge API v1. All access to API v1 will be rate limited and will no longer be supported or updated. We highly suggest that users migrate to Challonge API v2.

Setting up your account

You can register for a free Challonge account. Once you have verified your e-mail address, you can create an OAuth application to access our API v2 at https://connect.challonge.com

We do have a Swagger playground for you to test out our endpoints.

Feedback and support

If you have any feedback about this documentation or the APIs, please feel free to reach out to us. Our APIs are constantly evolving; your inputs help us improve our product.

Lastly, if you have any questions that aren't answered here, you can always reach us within the site's support chat. https://challonge.com/contact